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Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence

With all the buzz around artificial intelligence (AI) like robots and self-driving cars, it might be easy to assume that AI doesn’t impact our daily lives. However, most of us encounter AI in one way or another almost every day. AI has quickly integrated into our everyday routines. According to a study by Statista, the global AI market is expected to grow by 54% annually.


In this article, we explain the concept of AI, highlighting its main advantages and disadvantages and its impact on various sectors such as healthcare and education.


What is Artificial Intelligence? 

AI provides computer programs with the ability to think and learn independently. It is a simulation of human intelligence in machines to perform tasks we typically rely on humans for.

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Types of Artificial Intelligence Based on Its Capabilities

There are three main types of AI based on its capabilities:


  1. Weak (Narrow) AI: Focuses on a single task and cannot perform beyond its limits (common in our daily lives).
  2. Strong (General) AI: Can understand and learn any intellectual task that a human can.
  3. Super AI: Surpasses human intelligence and can perform any task better than a human.


Pros and Cons of Artificial Intelligence

Pros of Artificial Intelligence

AI offers numerous benefits, and here are nine key advantages:


Reducing Human Error
The greatest advantage of AI is significantly reducing errors and increasing accuracy. Decisions made by AI are based on previously gathered information and a specific set of algorithms. When programmed correctly, these errors can be minimized to zero. For example, robotic surgery systems can perform complex surgeries with precision.


Zero Risks

AI robots can undertake dangerous tasks on behalf of humans, such as space exploration or deep-sea missions. Machines, by nature, are resistant to harsh environments and can perform precise work responsibly, like the Mars rover that continuously sends back images.


Always available

Studies show that humans are productive for about 3-4 hours a day and need breaks and vacations to balance work and personal life. AI, on the other hand, can work endlessly without interruptions. It thinks much faster than humans and can multitask with accurate results. AI tools can handle repetitive tasks efficiently, such as AI-powered chatbots.


Digital Assistance

Technologically advanced organizations use digital assistants to interact with users, eliminating the need for human staff. Many websites use digital assistants to provide requested content and engage in conversation with users. Some chatbots are designed so well that it’s hard to tell if we are talking to a human or a chatbot.


New Inventions

AI is the driving force behind many innovations that help solve complex issues. For example, recent AI-based technology advancements have allowed doctors to detect breast cancer in women at an early stage, and self-driving cars have revolutionized AI usage.


Unbiased Decisions

Unlike humans, AI is devoid of emotions and is very practical and rational in its approach. One significant advantage of AI is that it does not have biased opinions, ensuring more accurate decisions. For instance, AI-supported recruitment systems screen applicants based on skills and experience, helping eliminate human bias.


Performing Repetitive Tasks

AI can handle repetitive tasks without boredom or fatigue. Robots in manufacturing lines can perform repetitive tasks like welding, painting, and packaging with high precision and speed, reducing costs and improving efficiency.


Daily Applications

Our daily lives rely heavily on mobile devices and the internet. We use various applications like Google Maps, Alexa, Siri, Cortana on Windows, OK Google, taking selfies, making calls, responding to emails, etc. Using AI-based technologies, we can also predict the weather today and in the coming days.



AI has made significant contributions to medicine, from diagnosis and treatment to drug discovery and clinical trials. AI tools can help doctors and researchers analyze patient data, identify potential health risks, and develop personalized treatment plans, leading to better health outcomes and faster development of new medical treatments and technologies.


Cons of Artificial Intelligence

AI also has its drawbacks, which include:


High Costs

Creating machines that can simulate human intelligence is no easy task. It requires a lot of time and resources and can be very expensive. AI needs to work on the latest hardware and software to stay updated and meet new requirements, making it very costly.


No Creativity

AI cannot think outside the box. It can learn over time from pre-fed data and past experiences but cannot be creative in its approach.



One application of AI is robots, which can lead to job displacement and increased unemployment. For example, robots are frequently used to replace human resources in manufacturing jobs in technologically advanced countries like Japan.


Making Humans Lazy

AI applications automate most of the boring and repetitive tasks. Since we don’t need to remember things or solve puzzles to get the job done, we tend to use our brains less. This addiction to AI can cause problems for future generations.


Lack of Ethics

Ethics are an essential human trait that is difficult to incorporate into AI. The rapid advancement of AI has raised concerns that it might one day grow uncontrollably and ultimately destroy humanity. This moment is referred to as the AI singularity.


No Emotions

From early childhood, we learn that neither computers nor other devices have emotions. Humans work as a team, and team management is crucial to achieving goals. While robots outperform humans in efficiency, it is also true that the human touch in communication, which forms the basis of teams, cannot be replaced by computers.


No Improvement Without New Data

AI cannot develop as it is a technology built on pre-fed facts and experiences. It excels at performing the same task repeatedly, but if we want any changes or improvements, we must manually change the codes. AI cannot be accessed and used like human intelligence, but it can store an infinite amount of data.


Cons of AI in Education

Despite its benefits, AI in education faces drawbacks such as privacy and data security concerns, reduced human interaction, increased educational disparities among students, and challenges in developing content that meets diverse needs. Addressing these issues is crucial to ensuring effective use of technology in education.



AI clearly has immense potential to create a better world. It is essential that humans ensure it does not get out of control. While there are discussions about the pros and cons of AI, its impact on the global industry is undeniable. As it continues to grow daily, it is crucial to learn the necessary skills in this field to thrive in many modern jobs.


Author: Fouad Al-Deek, Volunteer at Masarat Initiative

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