مبادرة مسارات

Student Activities

The Student Activities program is a fundamental pillar for developing all aspects of an individual’s physical, mental, cultural, social, psychological, and artistic personality. It provides students with programs, practical opportunities, and activities to engage in, either in a field setting or remotely.


In this program, we offer non-curricular activities through sessions and courses conducted by trained specialists in a safe and stimulating interactive environment, designed specifically for students enrolled in Masarat of all ages and social categories, based on their needs.

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Benefits for Students

By joining the student activities program sessions, students gain a space of freedom that enables them to:

  • Discover talents and interests: Students can discover their talents and personal interests that may help them choose their future specialization.
  • Boost self-confidence and potential: Provides a safe and stimulating environment that allows them to express themselves and share their ideas, talents, and hobbies with others.
  • Improve collaboration and social interaction skills: Students learn how to interact with individuals from different backgrounds and cultures, increasing their ability to collaborate and work in teams, enhancing their sense of belonging to the community.
  • Support personal and professional skill development: It helps improve thinking, creativity, communication, and leadership skills, enhancing the skills necessary to achieve success in personal and professional life.
  • Expand horizons: Student activities can expand students’ horizons, introducing them to new fields and different activities.
  • Support school education: Student activities play an important role in developing skills that may not be emphasized in the curriculum.
  • Enhance creative thinking and encourage thinking outside the box

The Relationship between Student Activities and Other Programs

After building the student’s fundamental knowledge through the school education program, the role of the student activities program comes into play to to fill the gap in skills that are not necessarily met by the curriculum, providing students with opportunities to develop their thinking and creative skills, supporting their academic achievement.


The importance of student activities goes beyond supporting school education. It also serves as a vital support for academic advising and vocational training programs, as it expands the student’s horizons and enables them to discover their strengths, talents, and personal preferences. This, in turn, helps build students who are capable of making informed choices regarding their future specialization and career.

31,322 benefiting students, including:
Not enrolled in school
Residing in Camps
People with Disabilities
Without a Primary Provider
مسار التعليم المدرسي - The school education program aims to facilitate access for students who have found themselves outside the educational system inside Syria or in countries of asylum.
Masarat Initiative on social media

Be a pathway for a child whose simplest dreams are to resume their education, and paint a bright future for themselves and their family