مبادرة مسارات

Academic Advising

The Academic Advising Program is a comprehensive and interactive resource designed for students of all levels to help them achieve their academic and professional goals and choose their scientific specialization. It includes programs that positively impact the cognitive growth of the beneficiary.

Our teams work through the program to provide the necessary guidance to students during their academic and post-academic careers, through personal plans that include theoretical tests and measures, as well as fieldwork experiences, which are supervised by specialists throughout the academic year. We also provide advising for the student towards the most suitable academic or professional field for them by exploring their abilities and inclinations, then directing them towards appropriate academic opportunities available, and supporting them with the necessary training courses to obtain those opportunities.

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Benefits for Students
  • Provides the student with the opportunity to discover their professional abilities and inclinations.
  •  Provides suitable academic and professional opportunities for the student.
  •  Helps the student choose the best academic or professional specialization without wasting money, effort, and time.
Targeted Groups and Program Team

Target Audience:

  • Students enrolled in the School Education Program
  • College students
  • Master’s students

  Who are looking for support in their academic journey or advice regarding it.


The Program Team consists of:
Track leader, counselors, trainers, consultants, and technical support staff.

The Relationship between Academic Advising and Other Programs

While the school education program provides the student with an opportunity to complete their educational journey, academic advising is like a compass that directs the student to the right destination they should aim for during their studies and after graduation.

It is also linked to the student activities program, where the interaction of students with activity sessions may give preliminary indicators that are added to the indicators adopted in academic advising. Academic advising is also linked to vocational training as it is considered the prior step for the student to join the vocational training track.

31,322 benefiting students, including:
Not enrolled in school
Residing in Camps
People with Disabilities
Without a Primary Provider
مسار التعليم المدرسي - The school education program aims to facilitate access for students who have found themselves outside the educational system inside Syria or in countries of asylum.
Masarat Initiative on social media

Be a pathway for a child whose simplest dreams are to resume their education, and paint a bright future for themselves and their family