مبادرة مسارات

Help us educate 500 students affected by the earthquake in Syria.

A great tragedy has befallen our people in northern Syria due to the recent earthquake. Hundreds of individuals have lost their homes, families, and dreams.

Imagine losing everything you love in a single night! Waking up to find yourself alone amidst the rubble! This is the plight of thousands of Syrian children, some of whom have lost all their family members and friends within a few hours as a result of the earthquake that struck northern Syria at the beginning of last February.

Their schools were destroyed, and tents became their only shelter. Around 290 schools were rendered inoperable!

At “Masaarat,” we strive to reach 500 children affected by the earthquake and accompany them towards achieving their aspirations by providing them with remote education, academic guidance, and student activities.

But without your support, this would not be possible!

With a donation of $20, you can sponsor a student for one month, and with $180, you can sponsor them for an entire year.

“Masaarat” is a non-profit initiative that aims to spread knowledge remotely among Syrians and provides free educational services to the most vulnerable groups in society, such as orphans, people with disabilities, the poor, and those residing in displacement camps in northern Syria.

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التحديث الأول (الطالب ...إلخ)

يعد مسار التعليم المدرسي الخطوة الأولى للطالب للتحصيل العلمي والاستقلال المادي لذلك هو نقطة التركيز الأساسية له ودافعه الأكبر للالتزام، يرتبط هذا المسار بشكل وثيق مع مسار الأنشطة الطلابية فبينما يعطي هذا المسار الدافع الأساسي للطالب، فإن مسار الأنشطة الطلابية يرفع من مهارات تفكيره وسويته النفسية بما يدعم تحصيله الدراسي أيضاً، كما يرتبط بمسار الإرشاد الأكاديمي الذي يوجه طلاب الشهادتين إلى الوجهة الأكاديمية الأنسب لهم أثناء دراستهم وبعد تخرجهم.