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Programming Languages: From History to Modern Applications

Programming languages are defined as a set of commands and instructions written according to specific rules for each language, which go through certain stages before being executed on a computer. They are called programming languages because they communicate with the computer and direct it to carry out commands, as computers operate on the binary system (0, 1), understanding only machine language.


The first appearance of programming languages dates back to the early 1940s with the invention of the computer. German scientist Konrad Zuse accomplished the first programming language for engineering purposes. In 1949, American scientist John Mauchly designed a small code that gained widespread adoption worldwide, leading to developments and modifications that have evolved into the ease and technology of programming today.


Types of Programming Languages

Programming languages can be classified based on their level into two types:


High-Level Languages

These languages are far from the language understood by computers and are closer to the language used by humans, making program design easier and faster for programmers. These languages are characterized by their ability to operate on all computer devices and are the commands used to write programming code.


Examples of these languages include: Java, Python, JavaScript, SQL


Low-Level Languages

These languages are closer to the machine, or closer to what the computer understands, thus these languages are written using the binary system (0, 1), making it difficult for programmers to read their vocabulary and can be seen in two forms:


Machine Language: This type of language is understood only by the computer and is created in the processors found on devices, represented by the binary system, making it very difficult for programmers to write programs in this language.


Assembly Language: This language is somewhat easier than machine language because it contains symbols in English such as ‘add’ or ‘sub’. Programs in this language take on the role of the programmer by converting high-level programs written by humans into machine language understood by the computer.


Uses and Benefits of Programming Languages

 Programming languages have the following uses and benefits:


  1. Application and Software Development: Employed in this field are languages such as C++, Visual Basic, and Java.
  2. Artificial Intelligence Development: Such as robot languages, and also used in developing software and applications for AI.
  3. Database Development: These are the languages used by database programmers like SQL.
  4. Computer Game Systems Development: Employed are languages such as C++ and Dark Basic.
  5. Operating Systems Development: These languages focus on developing the necessary software for computer operating systems like C++ and Assembly.
  6. Internet and Web Page Development: These languages are fundamental to the existence of the internet in this world and are used to design and organize websites and browsers like HTML, HDML, Java, JavaScript, PHP, XML, and Python.

From the above, it is clear that the technology we live with today is the result of programming languages applied to any electronic device. Computers and smart devices have become an integral part of human life and transactions. Without programming, these devices would not be able to function as they do, and learning programming is not just for programmers and specialists but is essential for everyone to keep up with the demands of the current era.


Author: Mr. Abdul Hamid Al-Diban, Mathematics Teacher at Masarat Initiative

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