مبادرة مسارات

Effective Role of Women: From Partnership in Building to Achieving Renaissance in Societies
3 July، 2024

Women are partners to men in building the future and life, holding a fundamental status in the resurgence of both ancient and modern societies, demonstrating their capability for positive change within these communities.


This article discusses the vital role of women as partners in future-building and their historical and contemporary impact on societal renaissance.


Learn about their esteemed status in Islam and the challenges they face, including injustice and discrimination. Explore how women have overcome these hurdles to become symbols of strength and positive change, and the effective role they can play in building more just and progressive societies.



Women’s Role in Islam

Women hold a significant status in Islam, referred to in many verses and specifically in the chapter “Surat An-Nisa.” Islam liberated them from the constraints of ignorance, granting them equality with men in responsibilities, rewards, and punishments.


Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “Women are the counterparts of men.”

This article discusses the vital role of women as partners in future-building and their historical and contemporary impact on societal renaissance.

The Darker Side of Women’s Lives

Women face phenomena of injustice, such as illiteracy, unemployment, and domestic violence—social disasters that have hindered their development for generations and their enjoyment of rights under fair laws.


The situation of Arab women was not different from that in other regions of the world, historically undergoing phases of discrimination that limited their rights and freedoms, often due to cultural heritage and extremist religious beliefs. Despite this, Islam emphasizes elevating women and enhancing their status, honoring them as mothers, daughters, and wives.


Allah Almighty said, “O people, fear your Lord, who created you from a single soul and created from it its mate.”


It is noted that seven million Syrian women provide for their families but are subjected to violence and are in need of assistance.


The Syrian crisis has impacted women through practices against them such as forced disappearance, murder, and displacement, and there has been an increase in divorce cases; these are often due to the loss of economic and social independence, and women from various sects have suffered the ravages of war.


They endure extreme hardships amid ongoing tension and conflicts, and the challenging living conditions they face. Amidst the injustice and oppression, they are required to care for entire families and support their children, which causes an imbalance in the societal structure.


Traditionally, both women and men have roles within the family that they are expected to fulfill, but these coercive conditions have forced them to seek opportunities to improve their livelihoods, which in turn, has compelled them to take on external jobs alongside their responsibilities towards their families.


Therefore, let us consider the role of women and what it entails, including both advantages and disadvantages:


  • The pressures they face to balance both work and family responsibilities.
  • Sometimes, work outside the home causes excessive fatigue, and some women are unable to cope with high levels of this exhaustion.
  • Women have a special nature that makes them more susceptible to anxiety and depression compared to men.
  • Working mothers must keep their children in childcare centers, where the mother cannot care for them.


Women have proven capable of balancing their work outside the home and their attention to their home and family. Today, women have become doctors, teachers, and engineers.


They have also stood against ignorance and illiteracy. The emancipation of women was not separate from the liberation of the mentality of an entire society and building a community based on equality. Modernity was not achieved outside this Arab human dimension.


Are there any forthcoming projects that believe in the value of women and the modernity that all societies aspire to, beyond individual approaches and with a comprehensive human vision?



Masarat Initiative for Education and Women’s Empowerment in Syria

Due to the war in Syria, an entire community of women has been deprived of education for years because of early marriage, forced migration, and extreme poverty.


They have had to prioritize caring for their families under harsh living conditions. Nonetheless, hundreds of them still dream of returning to school.


Masarat Initiative offers free online education to this segment of society through school education, student activities, and practical skills development, via our user-friendly online platform, ensuring convenience and flexibility.


Your donation paves the way for women’s empowerment and societal upliftment, equipping them educationally to teach and nurture their children. With the rise of women, an enlightened and aware society emerges, fostering a future built on awareness and knowledge.


Your contribution is not just an investment in the future of these women; it is an investment in a brighter and fairer future for all.

This article discusses the vital role of women as partners in future-building and their historical and contemporary impact on societal renaissance

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