مبادرة مسارات

To Whom is Zakat on Gold Given? Detailed Answer
24 February، 2024


Allah has blessed His servants by revealing laws and legislations to manage their life affairs, including the obligation of zakat, which is one of the most important religious rituals that must be performed. Verses and chapters in His noble book were revealed to regulate the ways of distributing zakat.


This article discusses the rules and regulations for disbursing Zakat on Gold, to whom it is given, how it is spent, and who are its rightful recipients, concluding with the most frequently asked questions.


To Whom is Zakat on Gold Given?

 Allah Almighty says in His noble book: “Zakat expenditures are only for the poor and for the needy and for those employed to collect [zakat] and for bringing hearts together [for Islam] and for freeing captives [or slaves] and for those in debt and for the cause of Allah and for the [stranded] traveler – an obligation [imposed] by Allah. And Allah is Knowing and Wise.”


This verse indicates the recipients of zakat, whether it is zakat on gold, monetary zakat, or any type of zakat like zakat on camels or trade goods, etc.


The recipients are classified into eight categories prioritized as follows:


  1. The Poor who do not have enough to meet their basic needs.
  2. The Needy who are in the second category; they have not reached a level of sufficiency and giving them zakat fulfills their needs and keeps them from asking others.
  3. Those Employed to Collect Zakat are those who gather or protect it, as a compensation for their work.
  4. To Win Over Hearts those whose hearts are to be reconciled towards Islam, or influential people who have followers.
  5. For Freeing Captives those whose freedom from slavery is sought.
  6. Those in Debt who cannot pay off their debt.
  7. In the Cause of Allah for Mujahideen who need equipment or for preparing Islamic armies by supplying them with gear.
  8. The Traveler who is stranded without money and needs accommodation and food.


Ways to Disburse Zakat on Gold

According to the verse mentioned above, zakat on gold is spent within specific rules and categories defined by Allah in His noble book, which should not be exceeded unless specified by jurists and Muslim scholars.


Ziad ibn Harith al-Suda’i, may Allah be pleased with him, said: “I came to the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, and pledged allegiance to him – and he mentioned a long hadith – then a man came and said: Give me from the zakat, and the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said: (Allah did not accept the judgment of a prophet or anyone else in the matter of zakat until He decreed in it Himself, dividing it into eight parts. If you are among those parts, I will give you your right).” Narrated by Abu Dawood.


If the zakat intended to be spent is within the categories and kinds mentioned in the Quran, it is permissible. Relatives in need, such as a poor or needy relative, are prioritized for zakat without any right to control how it is spent since the wealth becomes the property of the needy, and the giver has no right to dictate its use. The quicker and more generously the giver disburses his wealth to the needy, the greater the reward and blessing.


Masarat for Sustainable Development and Education in Syria

 Masarat Initiative is a completely free educational initiative that offers its services to all affected by displacement and migration in Northern Syria, supporting them in continuing their education, believing in the importance of education for a better future for them and their families.


You can give your gold zakat to our initiative, contributing to supporting the needy in their distance learning journey who lack the means to continue their education. They fall into the categories mentioned in the Quran to meet their needs and gain knowledge and education for free, hoping that this benefit and knowledge will help them in the future.


Frequently Asked Questions About the Recipients of Zakat on Gold

Who are the rightful recipients of zakat on gold, and who are not?

 Zakat on gold is given to the categories defined by Allah Almighty in His noble book. The wealthy and non-believers do not qualify for zakat, whether it’s zakat on gold or monetary zakat, as agreed upon by all jurists and Muslim scholars.

Is it permissible to give zakat on gold to relatives?

 It is permissible to give zakat to poor relatives as charity and kinship; because the Prophet “Peace be upon him”, when asked, said: “Charity to the poor is a charity, and to the relative is two, a charity and kinship.” Therefore, there is no harm in giving one’s brother, uncle, or nephew from one’s zakat if they are poor, as both charity and kinship.

Is it permissible to give zakat on gold to parents?

It is not permissible to give zakat on gold to those whom you are obligated to support, such as parents, spouse, and children

What is the ruling on giving zakat on gold to children?

It is not permissible to give zakat on gold to children; because the giver is legally responsible for their maintenance.

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