مبادرة مسارات

إيمانا بحلمها آية تعود للدراسة بعد النزوح - مبادرة مسارات

Aya’s Challenging Return to Education

Aya, a young Syrian girl, faced challenging days in her village that forced her and her family to flee to northern Syria, causing her education to be disrupted. However, she did not succumb to despair but began searching for opportunities to continue her studies. Thanks to Masarat Initiative, she found what she was looking for and obtained a remarkable opportunity to fulfill her dream.

the Will to Succeed Challenging Displacement 

Aya had always dreamt of becoming a successful doctor, but numerous difficulties and challenges stood in the way of this beautiful dream, making her fear losing it. However, despite the hardships that almost deterred her from achieving her goals and aspirations, Aya persevered and continued seeking any chance that could lead her back to her school desk. Eventually, she found what she was searching for by joining Masarat Initiative, which granted her the chance to pursue her education and follow what the teachers offered, compensating for what she had lost due to displacement and her family’s difficult economic situation. This enabled her to steadfastly strive towards realizing her dreams and completing her education.

Aya says, “I faced many difficulties advancing in my educational journey. I couldn’t enroll in schools or educational centers in my new area of residence due to the high fees. I started studying remotely with Masarat Initiative. Although I had a significant shortage of scientific materials, I managed to expand my knowledge and access the information I needed thanks to the initiative’s teachers. During the lessons, I could interact with the professors, ask questions, and clarify any inquiries I had, effortlessly and smoothly”.

Masarat Grants Aya’s Wish

Despite the challenging fate Aya faced, she managed, with her determination, to maintain her ambition for education and fulfill her dream of reaching university. After joining Masarat Initiative, she was able to attend live classes with the teachers, benefiting from the initiative’s provision of free online education for Syrian students. In case she missed a lesson, she could access and watch it again through the initiative’s YouTube platform.

The benefits of Masarat Initiative were not limited to providing free learning opportunities for displaced and out-of-school students. It also offered counseling and guidance services to assist them in achieving their educational goals and empowering them to build a flourishing future.

Masarat is a non-profit and volunteer-driven educational initiative that aims to facilitate access to knowledge for learners everywhere, particularly in distressed areas

Educate Orphans in Syria

Be a bridge for a child to cross over, whose simplest dreams are to return to education and to create a blossoming future for himself and his family

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