مبادرة مسارات

طالبة - Determination

A Student Achieves Her Dream of Education with Determination

In a world filled with challenges and hardships, inspiring success stories emerge that remind us of the power of will and determination. One such story is that of Rowaida Darwish, a displaced Syrian student who overcame difficulties and challenges to fulfill her dream of education after a 12-year hiatus from high school. Rowaida joined the “Masarat” initiative for online education and, thanks to her perseverance and determination, she achieved success.


From Kafruma to Sarmada Camps

 Rowaida’s story begins in her hometown of Kafruma, northwest Syria. Due to difficult circumstances and displacement, she moved with her family to the camps in Sarmada, where she began her battle for education and to realize her dream.


The Journey of Clinging to Hope

Despite the difficulties of living in the camps, Rowaida never lost hope. She recalls how she used to light up her mobile phone to study in the long nights, with hope being her strength and motivation to continue.


The Journey Back to Study After a 12-Year Break

 One of the toughest challenges Rowaida faced was returning to study after a 12-year break. However, she did not give up. Thanks to the “Masarat” initiative, she resumed her studies and worked hard to catch up.


The Success Story

Finally, after her dedication and hard work, Rowaida successfully passed the high school exams. This moment was a time of joy and celebration for her and her family. Rowaida proved that persistence and determination can achieve miracles, even under the most difficult circumstances.


Rowaida Darwish’s story inspires us all with the strength of will and determination. It reminds us of the importance of education and how persistence and challenge can lead to success in the toughest situations. It is a story of resilience and optimism, reminding us that no matter the obstacles, we can always achieve our dreams if we persist.


Masarat is a non-profit and volunteer-driven educational initiative that aims to facilitate access to knowledge for learners everywhere, particularly in distressed areas

Educate Orphans in Syria

Be a bridge for a child to cross over, whose simplest dreams are to return to education and to create a blossoming future for himself and his family

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