مبادرة مسارات


From Contemplation to Innovation: Developing Creative Thinking for Problem Solving

Creative thinking involves looking at something in a different and new way, known as thinking outside the box. It encompasses lateral thinking or the ability to perceive obscure patterns in something.


Creative individuals have the ability to innovate new ways to solve problems and face challenges.


It’s a blend of flexible scientific imagination to develop an old idea or to find a new one. No matter how small the idea, it can lead to distinctive and unconventional production.


Creativity is producing new things that are out of the ordinary, provided the ideas are useful. Production in a field that brings destruction and harm is not creativity but sabotage.


Creative ability lies in the way of linking ideas together in an intelligent way that no one has touched before.

Some people think that a creative person is born creative, which is not true; creativity requires accumulated knowledge and experiences.


By merging them with the creative person’s mind, this uniqueness is produced.


It is important to note that everyone can be creative and innovative except those who refuse. A creative person is capable of solving problems.

In our article today, we explore creative thinking and how it can change the way we approach challenges, opening new horizons for innovation and new solutions.

Writing in Space

When America wanted to send astronauts to outer space, there was a problem with writing with pens because the ink falling on the paper from the pen tip was impossible due to the lack of gravity.


A team of experts delved into the problem, taking a long time and spending large sums on research related to this issue, eventually inventing a gravity-resistant pen. In Russia, astronauts faced the same problem, but simply, they were given pencils, and the problem was solved.



Where and When Do Creative Ideas Come?

During work, listening to a lecture, walking at night, reading, during a boring meeting, going to work, showering, before sleeping, continuous work, in the presence of incentives, psychological comfort, spiritual peace, working with a motivating team, having clear goals, during contemplation and reflection, dedication to work for Allah, during writing, changing usual places, doing new things, using mind maps, focusing on matters, breaking out of routine, good social communication, understanding others’ perspectives, understanding multiple cultures, listening attentively, positive thinking, humor and playfulness, understanding strengths and weaknesses.



Traits of Creative People

  • They seek alternative methods and solutions.
  • They don’t settle for one solution or method.
  • They have clear goals they aim to achieve.
  • They have specific ideas and questions they seek answers for.
  • They ignore negative comments from others.
  • They are not afraid of failure.
  • They take initiative towards positive solutions.
  • They love their work.
  • They dislike routine.
  • They have strong determination and willpower.


Obstacles to Creative Thinking

  • Feeling of inadequacy.
  • Pessimism and lack of self-confidence.
  • Not continuing to learn and increase knowledge.
  • Fear of failure and negative comments from others.
  • Contentment with the current reality and fear of the future.
  • Fear and shyness from superiors at work.
  • Dependence on others and following them.


How to Generate and Innovate New Ideas and Solutions Creatively?

Set a clear goal for your creativity and thinking, and strive to achieve it. Goals are born twice; once in the mind and once in reality.


For example, if you want to increase your knowledge, innovate ten ways to increase your knowledge.


  • Reverse Thinking: Turn what you see in your life upside down to come up with a new idea. For example: We say students go to school, reverse it to “the school comes to the students,” which happened through online learning.


  • Combination: Combine two or more elements to get a new creation. For example, car + boat = amphibious vehicle, and the idea was applied.
  • Elimination: Remove a part or a step from a device or administrative system that might be unnecessary.


  • Creative Dreaming: Imagine you became the Minister of Education for one day; what would you do?


  • Creative Substitution and Transfer: Transform or replace an idea that seems incorrect or unreasonable into a new and reasonable one.


  • Another Perspective: Look at the problem, creativity, or issue from a second or third party’s perspective, not just from your viewpoint.


  • Other Uses: Can you find twenty uses for a pen other than writing and drawing?


  • What If: Ask yourself what if this or that happened; what would be the result? For example, if your company decided to lay you off, what would you do?



Creative Thinking at Work

Creative thinking occurs when managers approach problem-solving in new ways, encouraging employees to find solutions without resorting to traditional methods.


This fosters a sense of accomplishment and independence among employees, and enables this type of thinking to uncover more ideas and solutions through group collaboration.


Ultimately, creative thinking remains a key that unlocks unlimited potential in a world full of challenges and opportunities. It is not just a rare skill or a gift reserved for the creative, but an inherent ability in each of us, waiting to be explored and developed.


By following the right strategies and looking at the world from multiple angles, we can all surpass the boundaries of the conventional box to discover new horizons of ideas and solutions.


Let’s make creative thinking our companion on the journey towards achieving the impossible and building a future rich in innovation and distinction.


Author: Salim Hamed, Arabic Language Teacher at Masarat Initiative

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