مبادرة مسارات

Fatima and Duaa, two Syrian sisters with disabilities studying at Masarat Initiative sharing their hopes and dreams to build something for themselves through the Initiative

Sisters Defying Their Fate: Fatima and Duaa

Fatima and Duaa, two Syrian sisters with disabilities, have defied their fate and demonstrated the power of determination. Despite their condition that limits their ability to walk and has interrupted their educational journey, they refused to surrender to the challenges they face. Instead, they decided to pursue their dreams through any means possible, overcoming countless obstacles.

Education for the Sisters: Care, Determination, and Sacrifice

Fatima and Duaa were raised by their mother, who was their sole support, she worked tirelessly to ensure they received the necessary care and education. The illness did not deter them from striving for their dreams and achieving their goals. Thanks to their mother’s efforts, the sisters were able to complete their primary education. However, their mother’s frail body could no longer endure the strenuous tasks she performed every day to care for her daughters.

The sisters’ mother spoke about her journey in raising them, saying, “Despite the harsh circumstances I faced, I managed to provide the necessary support and care for my daughters to complete their studies and reach the sixth grade. However, due to my limited resources and work, I could no longer accompany them to school every day’.

Ambition Defies Disability!

Life presented Fatima and Duaa with formidable obstacles, including their difficult circumstances and the illness that befell them. These challenges could have made them give up on their dream of obtaining a basic education. However, they possessed the determination and resilience to face adversity and achieve what they desired. After thorough research, they discovered the Masarat Initiative’s YouTube Channel, which provides a comprehensive explanation of the curriculum. Through this platform, they passionately and resolutely pursued their studies. They did not hesitate to join the initiative and directly communicate with the teachers to receive the necessary assistance in understanding the subjects.

The sisters expressed their experience with the new mode of education, saying, “We continue our studies in the ninth grade through the Masarat Initiative, which has instilled optimism in us despite the challenging circumstances we face. The initiative has provided us with the education we desired from the comfort of our home and facilitated direct communication with the teachers. Their determination has made them committed to success and achieving their future dreams”.

Learning Without Boundaries: Masarat and People with Disabilities

Masarat Initiative has provided its services to more than 120 children with disabilities, including Duaa and Fatima, who were deprived of their right to education due to the difficulties of transportation between home and educational centers. The initiative offered them free online education from their homes and provided them with the necessary guidance and support to fulfill their dreams and develop their abilities.

Masarat is a non-profit and volunteer-driven educational initiative that aims to facilitate access to knowledge for learners everywhere, particularly in distressed areas

Educate Orphans in Syria

Be a bridge for a child to cross over, whose simplest dreams are to return to education and to create a blossoming future for himself and his family

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