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Strategies for Enhancing Learning: How Students Can Achieve Success in Their Educational Journey

It’s easy to feel content with your achievements over time, but it’s important to step back and reflect, how did you reach this state of comfort? Surely, you faced many challenges and overcame them by making decisions. John Maeda says, “One must make a series of important minor decisions to get wherever they want.” Perhaps the most significant decision you made in your life was to continue learning and persevere until success and reaching your goal.


During the educational journey, it’s essential to have a supporting hand that gives you hope and strength till the end. This is what the Student Affairs team at the Masarat Initiative does, spreading knowledge.


They are at the core of the educational process, building friendly relationships with students, listening to their problems and challenges, and helping them overcome these with the assistance of specialized support teams when necessary.


Here are some of the major challenges faced by students and how to solve them:


Technological Challenges

In the information revolution, online learning has become a key and less costly education source. However, we first need to eradicate digital illiteracy, especially in developing societies. Students need guidance on using digital tools effectively and training in artificial intelligence tools before launching educational lessons.


Cognitive Challenges

The learning process is affected by internal and external factors. Internal ones include difficulty concentrating, poor comprehension, disorganization, and distraction. External factors include teaching methods, the educational environment, and external stimuli.


These difficulties can be overcome through:

Speed Reading

A powerful tool for accelerating comprehension, improving focus, and boosting individual confidence in reading and understanding.


Improving Concentration and Attention

This can be achieved through breathing and relaxation techniques; setting specific time periods for concentration; and practicing meditation.


Developing Effective Listening Skills

Clarifying misunderstood vocabulary, focusing on deeper meanings, verbal and non-verbal signals.


Using Cognitive Linking Techniques

Creating mental images, diagrams, connected charts, and linking concepts with stories and examples.


Implementing Active Learning Strategies

Through collaborative projects, learning through games, interactive activities, and involving students in problem analysis and idea discussions.


Effective Studying

Achievable by creating a study schedule, organizing study material, avoiding distractions, and providing a conducive study environment. Regular educational workshops are essential to continuously develop the teaching staff.


Behavioral Challenges

Some students struggle with bullying, aggression, or rebellion from their peers, impacting their mental health and academic performance. It’s crucial to establish a code of conduct with clear boundaries that cannot be crossed.


Psychological Challenges

Some students might suffer from academic depression, characterized by:

  • Lethargy, laziness, and loss of passion
  • Fear and anxiety
  • Difficulty in time management
  • Loss of appetite
  • Frequent forgetfulness and difficulty remembering
  • Challenges in academic achievement


To avoid this, students should balance study hours with rest, follow a healthy diet, receive positive encouragement from family, and be guided towards achieving their dreams with confidence.


Nada Mohamed Ali – Volunteer at Masarat Initiative

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