مبادرة مسارات

Aisha is one of the students of Masarat Initiative studying in the displacement camps in northwest Syria. The camp did not prevent her from pursuing her education, as she is seen holding a book.

Worn Camps and Unwavering Goals

Inside the camps in northern Syria, many people live under difficult conditions, including Aisha Al-Othman, a young woman whose displacement forced her to leave school. However, she never lost hope in achieving her goals through Masarat.

Dilapidated Camps Depriving Them of Education

Aisha lives in a worn tent located in an abandoned area after being displaced from her hometown in southern Idlib countryside. This has left her feeling frustrated due to the loss of essential aspects of life, including comfort, security, and even education. In that remote area, there are no schools or educational centers accessible to her, so she was forced to abandon her studies for several years.

Aisha described the difficult conditions she faced, saying, “After the forced displacement my family and I went through from our village and settling in one of the camps, I tried to return to schools and institutes in the area. However, I faced significant difficulties due to the long distances and high fees required for education. Nevertheless, I continue to strive hard to achieve my aspirations and actively seek suitable solutions to overcome these challenges”.

Lessons Fill the Tent, and Hearts Beat with Hope

After a long wait and in her pursuit of achieving her goals, Aisha found her unique opportunity through the Masarat Initiative. She began receiving education while inside her tent, being able to attend live classes with teachers directly. This brought hope back to her and her family.

Aisha emphasized that her experience with Masarat was exceptional, saying, “I found myself learning in a way that closely resembles physical education, where teachers would explain the materials repeatedly until I and my fellow students within the interactive lesson fully understood”.

She not only benefited personally from the initiative’s educational value but also delivered an inspiring message to all students about the necessity of relentless and enthusiastic learning. She hopes they remember the hope that Masarat instilled in them, which is the primary goal for the lives of all students who have been deprived of education and reside in displacement camps.

The Path to Hope with Masarat

The Masarat Initiative served as a path for Aisha and many students who had been cut off from their studies and resided in displacement camps. The initiative provided them with the opportunity for online learning, going beyond merely providing educational materials. It also facilitated activity sessions and academic guidance, contributing to their motivation and propelling them towards a promising future.

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Masarat is a non-profit and volunteer-driven educational initiative that aims to facilitate access to knowledge for learners everywhere, particularly in distressed areas

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