مبادرة مسارات

Zakat al-Mal for Mosques: Its Ruling in Islam and the Ways of Disbursement
28 April، 2024


 Zakat has religious rulings imposed by Allah Almighty on His servants for getting closer to Him, and for the purification and sanctification of the soul. For zakat, there are specific do’s and don’ts that Muslims must be aware of and heed.


In this article, we discuss an important query that often arises concerning the ruling on paying Zakat al-Mal for mosques, whether it is permissible or obligatory. Our topic today delves into Zakat al-Mal for mosques, its ruling on disbursement to mosques, and scenarios discussing its obligation and permissibility.


Zakat al-Mal for Mosques

 Financial support for mosques through donations to cover maintenance costs, provide educational materials, and fund religious and educational activities is commendable. However, using the term “Zakat al-Mal for mosques” to describe these donations is a subject of some jurisprudential disagreements.


Given that the obligatory zakat in Islam is limited to specific categories mentioned in the Holy Quran, mosques do not fall under these categories as stated in Allah’s words: “Zakat expenditures are only for the poor and for the needy and for those employed to collect [zakat] and for bringing hearts together [for Islam] and for freeing captives [or slaves] and for those in debt and for the cause of Allah and for the [stranded] traveler – an obligation [imposed] by Allah. And Allah is Knowing and Wise.”


Ruling on Disbursing Zakat for Mosque Funds

 It is mentioned in Hashiyat al-Rawd; Al-Wazir and others agreed that it is neither permissible nor sufficient to pay zakat for building mosques, bridges, or similar structures, nor for covering funeral expenses and the like, even though these are acts of piety, because zakat is designated for specific purposes.


Therefore, it is not permissible to disburse Zakat al-Mal for building a mosque, and this is the opinion of most jurists; Zakat funds should not be used for building mosques or buying books, etc.; they should only be used for the eight categories mentioned in the Holy Quran.


Scenarios of Disbursing Zakat for Mosques: Its Obligation and Permissibility in Islam

 Zakat for building a mosque or participating in its construction

 In this ruling, the four imams went to the extent of not allowing the use of zakat al-Mal for mosque construction because it does not involve transfer of ownership, which is a fundamental aspect of zakat.


However, some scholars have allowed the use of zakat funds for building mosques and other charitable deeds, based on Allah’s saying: “and for the cause of Allah.” Especially if the neighborhood or town needs a mosque for performing prayers and Eid. In this opinion, if zakat is spent on building a mosque, the obligation is fulfilled and rewarded for this act.


Taking care of the maintenance or renovation of a mosque from Zakat al-Mal

It is not permissible to spend zakat funds except in the channels mentioned by Allah Almighty,As reported by Abu Dawood from Ziyad bin Harith as-Sada’i who said: “I came to the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, and after a long narration, a man came and asked for charity. The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said: (Verily, Allah the Almighty did not accept the judgment of any prophet or anyone else in charities until He decreed about it Himself, and He divided it into eight parts. If you belong to those parts, I will give you your right).”


Masarat Initiative for Vocational Training and Education in Syria

 Amid the challenges faced by thousands of students today in completing their education due to refugee conditions, camps, and the lack of necessary resources, an idea for a free educational initiative began to serve the knowledge sector and facilitate access to all categories, especially those in need, including orphans, people with disabilities, and widowed women.


Masarat offers education through its custom systems designed to suit the current conditions of the students and meet their educational needs without discrimination but with equality for all categories: 1- An interactive educational system between students and teachers 2- A non-interactive educational system through a learning management platform 3- A knowledge endowment specifically for the initiative, which is a YouTube channel.


Your zakat donation today enables the Masarat initiative to expand its reach, which is bound to achieve tangible results on the ground by educating more than 31,000 children to date.


Your zakat donation now to the Masarat initiative has a long-lasting impact.


The Prophet of Allah, peace be upon him, said: “There is no day that dawns but two angels come down, one of them says: ‘O Allah, give the spender a substitute,’ and the other says: ‘O Allah, give the withholder loss’.”


Spending in the way of Allah brings much good, and spending to care for and educate orphans in Northern Syria has a multiplied impact.

FAQs about Zakat for Mosque Funds

Is it permissible to buy an air conditioner for the mosque from zakat?

It is not permissible to buy anything from the needs of the mosque from zakat funds.

Is it permissible to give zakat to mosques according to Ibn Uthaymeen?

 According to Ibn Uthaymeen, it is not permissible to disburse Zakat al-Mal for building mosques or schools, etc.

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