مبادرة مسارات


The Amount of Zakat al-Fitr in Islamic Countries and Donation Methods

Zakat al-Fitr enriches the poor and needy, eliminating their need to ask for help on Eid day. It purifies the fasting person from mistakes and sins that might have been committed during fasting and prevents miserliness, a trait detested in our religion.


Today’s article discusses the required amount of Zakat al-Fitr in some Islamic countries where our brothers and sisters reside and the best methods for its payment, providing clear guidance for everyone without the need for further reading.


Is Donating Zakat al-Fitr to Charitable Organizations Permissible?

Islam permits the donation of Zakat al-Fitr to charitable organizations, provided it is ensured that it is spent on its rightful recipients. The Zakat must be given in the form of food to the needy and poor, and importantly, the charity should be trustworthy in managing Zakat funds.

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What Is the Ruling on Spending Zakat al-Fitr in a Country Other Than One’s Residence?

The principle is that Zakat al-Fitr should be given in the country of residence. However, Islam allows it to be given in a different country if there is a greater need among the poor there.


The Amount of Zakat al-Fitr in Cash in Egypt According to Dar al-Ifta

Dar al-Ifta in Egypt has mandated that for the year 2024, the amount of Zakat al-Fitr is 35 Egyptian pounds per Muslim individual if given in cash. This is in line with the permission granted by some scholars to facilitate for Muslims in Arab countries if it serves the interest of the needy.


The Amount of Zakat al-Fitr in Jordan

In Jordan, the amount is set at a sa’ (an Islamic measure) of staple food such as wheat, barley, rice, or dates, or paying 180 piasters if given in cash.


The Value of Zakat al-Fitr in Morocco in Moroccan Dirham

The Supreme Council in Morocco has announced the amount of Zakat al-Fitr at 20 Moroccan dirhams per individual, in accordance with the price of a sa’ as prescribed by the Prophet.


The Amount of Zakat al-Fitr in Algeria

The Ministry of Religious Affairs in Algeria has set the amount of Zakat al-Fitr at 150 Algerian dinars, equivalent to a sa’ of the country’s staple food.


Zakat al-Fitr in Oman

In Oman, the cash value of Zakat al-Fitr is set at 1.50 Omani Riyals per Muslim, based on the price of a sa’ of rice, approximately three kilograms, according to the country’s Dar al-Ifta.


Zakat al-Fitr in Bahrain

Religious authorities in Bahrain estimate Zakat al-Fitr at 1.5 Bahraini Dinars, equivalent to a saa’ of food. Precision in cash payments is advised due to varying prices and the need to ensure the type of food represented by the cash is considered.


The Amount of Zakat al-Fitr in Iraq

The Scientific Council in the Waqf in Iraq has set the amount of Zakat al-Fitr at 4,000 Iraqi Dinars, or its equivalent in food.


The Amount of Zakat al-Fitr in Tunisia

In Tunisia, Zakat al-Fitr is estimated at 2,000 millimes per Muslim individual, to be given on the eve of Eid before the Eid prayer.


The Amount of Zakat al-Fitr in Kuwait

Zakat al-Fitr in Kuwait is estimated at 1 Kuwaiti Dinar per Muslim individual, and it is permissible to give Zakat al-Fitr on behalf of oneself and those whose expenses one is responsible for.


The Value of Zakat al-Fitr in Turkey

According to the Presidency of Religious Affairs in Turkey, the amount of Zakat al-Fitr for 2024 per individual is equivalent to 130 Turkish Lira.


Masarat to Support and Develop Youth in Syria

At  Masarat initiative, we believe in the power of education to change lives and communities. We work diligently to make education accessible to every orphaned, refugee, and displaced child in Northern Syria, who have suffered greatly and been deprived of their right to education, by providing free online education.

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Your donation today to orphans and refugee students helps increase our reach to these truly needy students, assisting them to return to virtual classrooms. Your contribution today is considered a lifelong charitable endowment for the orphan. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “I and the caretaker of the orphan will be in Paradise like this,” and he indicated by joining his forefinger and middle finger with a slight gap between them. Your Zakat al-Fitr donation to orphan students is a Sadaqah Jariya for you.

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