مبادرة مسارات


Zakat on Wealth in Jordan: Its Conditions, Threshold, and Calculation in Jordanian Dinar

 Allah Almighty has highlighted the importance of the zakat obligation as one of the most significant duties that a Muslim—wherever they are—must perform when He said: “Establish prayer and give zakat.” Its importance is paralleled with the obligation of prayer, hence its ruling as mandatory, just as prayer is.


In these lines, we discuss the zakat on wealth and its rulings in Jordan, including its ruling, threshold, how it is calculated, its allocation, and we conclude with the most common questions about it.


Ruling on Zakat on Wealth in Jordan

 The rulings on zakat are uniform in Islam, with differences only in their application according to the country or region where the Muslim who is giving zakat resides.


In Jordan, zakat on wealth is obligatory after the following conditions are met:

  • The wealth reaches the nisab (minimum threshold) of 85 grams of pure gold.
  • A year has passed since the possession of the wealth.


Threshold of Zakat on Wealth in Jordan in Jordanian Dinar

 In Islam, the nisab (minimum threshold) for zakat on wealth is based on the nisab of gold, 85 grams, and the gold dinar equals 4.25 grams of gold. A simple calculation between the Jordanian Dinar’s price and the price of gold results in 800 Jordanian Dinars. Hence, the Supreme Fatwa Council in Jordan, chaired by the Grand Mufti Sheikh Akrama Sabri, has determined that the nisab for zakat on wealth in Jordan is 800 Jordanian Dinars.


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How to Calculate Zakat on Wealth in Jordanian Dinar

In Jordan,the zakat payer can calculate the zakat on their wealth in two ways:


  • Calculating “one-fourth of a tenth” of the total wealth by dividing the total amount on which zakat is to be paid by forty, and the result is the amount of zakat due.
  • Calculating 2.5% of the total wealth by multiplying the amount by 2.5 and then dividing it by 100.


For example, if you own 4000 Jordanian Dinars, the zakat would be 100 Jordanian Dinars, according to either method:


 (4000÷40=100 Dinars)

 (4000×2.5=10000÷100=100 Jordanian Dinars)or 


Channels and Allocations for Zakat on Wealth

 The legitimate zakat expenditures mentioned by Allah Almighty in His noble Book are: “Charities are only for the poor and the needy, and those employed to collect [the funds], and those whose hearts are to be reconciled, and to free captives and the indebted, and for the cause of Allah, and for the [stranded] traveler – an obligation [imposed] by Allah. And Allah is Knowing and Wise.”


The categories mentioned in the noble verse are those who are deserving of zakat funds, and the use of “only” at the beginning of the verse denotes exclusivity and establishes the ruling for what follows.


1- The poor and the needy: Allah mentions them first as they are the most in need of zakat funds.

2- Those employed to collect it: Those who work in collecting zakat funds from the payers.

3- Those whose hearts are to be reconciled: New converts to Islam to strengthen their faith.

4- For freeing captives: Slaves and servants.

5- The indebted: Those who owe debts and are unable to pay them off.

6- For the cause of Allah: Those striving in the way of Allah, regardless of the form of jihad, whether it be military or educational, or any other form.

7- The stranded traveler: A traveler in a foreign land without financial means to cover their travel expenses.


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Masarat for Education and Knowledge Dissemination in Syria

 Masarat is an initiative for spreading knowledge online among Syrians affected by war and conflicts; we pay special attention to students seeking free educational opportunities. We contribute to spreading knowledge and science through a sustainable knowledge fund that offers scientific lessons on YouTube, along with various educational paths to support them in their learning journey.


Each path serves the students in a specific way, uniting efforts to enrich, strengthen, and empower students in both their practical and scientific lives, in line with the educational requirements seen by the initiative’s organizers, utilizing the expertise of globally trained teachers.


Support these students in their educational journey by donating your zakat to help them overcome learning challenges.

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