مبادرة مسارات

Masarat Crowned the best volunteer initiative in the Arab World 2022

Masarat: Best Volunteer Initiative in the Arab World for 2022

Masarat: Best Volunteer Initiative in the Arab World for 2022 May 15, 2023 The efforts of over 150
volunteers culminated in the Masarat initiative winning the award for the Best Volunteer Initiative in
the field of education and the eradication of ignorance and illiteracy across the Arab world for 2022.
This award was bestowed by the Prince Mohammed Bin Fahd Global Foundation’s Medal for the
best volunteer works.


The Arab Union for Volunteering announced the winners in the fourth edition of the Prince
Mohammed Bin Fahd Global Foundation Medal for the Best Volunteer Works. This event, organized
in cooperation with the Foundation and under the sponsorship of the League of Arab States,
partnered with the United Nations Volunteers Program, the United Nations Population Fund, the
Union for the Mediterranean, and the Arab Planning Institute in Kuwait.


About the Prince Mohammed Bin Fahd Global Foundation Medal for the Best Volunteer Works In

2018, the Prince Mohammed Bin Fahd Global Foundation in Saudi Arabia, in collaboration with the
Arab Union for Volunteering in Bahrain, launched an award named "The Prince Mohammed Bin Fahd
Global Foundation Medal for the Best Volunteer Works." This was in conjunction with the
International Volunteer Day, observed on December 5th each year. To enhance the medal's
international stature, the scope of participation expanded from the Arab to the global level, in
partnership with the United Nations Volunteers Program-Egypt, the United Nations Population
Fund-Regional Office for Arab States, and the Arab Planning Institute-Kuwait.


The medal is considered one of the most significant global awards in the field of volunteer work,
aiming to elevate and excel in volunteer activities worldwide.



Services provided by Masarat initiative

The Masarat initiative provides various services, including school education, student activities, and
academic advising, and is preparing to launch a vocational education pathway. In the past three
years, the initiative reached 16,000 students, including orphans, displaced persons, people with
special needs, mothers, and those who had dropped out of education. It helped them reintegrate
into the educational system and change the course of their lives.


Masarat was established on December 26, 2019, by volunteers from around the world who believe
that knowledge is the fundamental basis for building human life and empowering individuals in
society. They recognize the lifelong significance of education and its role in developing creative and
productive individuals capable of shaping a better future.


Masarat aspires to present a new concept in disseminating knowledge without temporal, spatial, or
material constraints, offering a distinctive educational experience with global standards to every
learner worldwide.


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Masarat is a non-profit and volunteer-driven educational initiative that aims to facilitate access to knowledge for learners everywhere, particularly in distressed areas

Educate Orphans in Syria

Be a bridge for a child to cross over, whose simplest dreams are to return to education and to create a blossoming future for himself and his family

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