مبادرة مسارات

Zakat on Gold Used for Adornment: Is There Zakat on Adornment Gold?
5 February، 2024


Within the framework of the zakat obligation, Islamic rulings gain a depth that extends beyond mere financial obligations to touch on the foundations of social justice and spiritual purification.


Zakat encompasses various aspects, including wealth invested in adornment, such as gold, raising questions about its rulings, conditions, and calculation details.


Today’s article allows you to explore the jurisprudential aspects of zakat on gold prepared for adornment, addressing its ruling, the conditions for its obligation, and how it is calculated within the framework of Islamic jurisprudence.


Ruling on Zakat for Gold Used for Adornment

Gold used for adornment is known as “permissible gold prepared for use,” according to what is mentioned in the books of scholars and jurists. However, its eligibility for zakat is a subject of jurisprudential disagreement.


While most jurisprudential schools see no zakat on women’s adornment jewelry, the Hanafi school has affirmed its obligation based on the interpretation of a prophetic hadith:


Abdullah bin Amr bin Al-Aas narrated about a woman who came to the Prophet Peace be upon him with her daughter, who had two gold bracelets on her hands. The Prophet Peace be upon him asked her, “Do you pay zakat on these?” She said, “No.” He said, “Would it please you if Allah were to adorn you with two bracelets of fire instead?”… In the hadith, it is mentioned that she took them off and said, “They are for Allah and His Messenger.” This hadith was narrated by Abu Dawood and deemed good by Al-Albani.

Is There Zakat on Adornment Gold?

The majority of scholars opine that there is no zakat on adornment gold, regardless of whether it is used regularly or specifically for beautification on certain occasions.


Imam Abu Hanifa, may Allah have mercy on him, stated the obligation of zakat on gold that a woman prepares for wearing and adornment, and as a result, most contemporary jurists have validated this opinion.


Ibn Qudamah said: “If the jewelry is for wearing, and the woman intends trade with it, then the zakat year begins from the moment she intends because obligation is the original rule, and it only shifts from it due to the incidental use, so it returns to the original rule by mere intention without use” – Al-Mughni “2/608”.


Conditions for Zakat on Gold Used for Adornment

There is a disagreement about the obligation of zakat on gold used for adornment, but the safest for conscience is to discharge it.


The most important conditions for its obligation are:


  • The gold reaches the nisab threshold, which is twenty mithqals, approximately 85 grams of gold or more.
  • A lunar year has passed since its purchase date.
  • It is privately owned.


Nisab for Zakat on Women’s Adornment Gold

The nisab for adornment gold is twenty mithqals, currently estimated at 85 grams of gold. If a woman owns this nisab or more, she is obligated to pay zakat on it by calculating one quarter of a tenth, i.e., 2.5% of the total value of the gold, provided all conditions mentioned in the prophetic hadiths are met.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Zakat on Gold Designated for Adornment

Is zakat obligatory on gold designated only for adornment?

  •  Most scholars and schools of thought do not consider zakat obligatory on gold designated for adornment. However, Abu Hanifa viewed it as obligatory, arguing that gold, by nature, is wealth intended for growth; therefore, zakat is due on it

Zakat on Gold Prepared for Adornment but Rarely Worn

Here, two schools of thought apply: the first, according to the majority, states that zakat is not obligatory, as narrated by five Companions: Ibn Umar, Jabir, Anas, Aisha, and Asmaa, may Allah be pleased with them. The second school insists on the obligation of zakat if the nisab is reached and a lunar year has passed, as narrated by: Umar, Ibn Mas’ud, Abdullah bin Amr bin Al-Aas, Said bin Jubair, and Ibn Sirin, which is the view followed by the Hanafis.

Is Zakat Due on Adornment Gold for Young Girls?

If a girl owns gold reaching the nisab, approximately twenty mithqals, and it is intended for saving and a lunar year has passed, then zakat is due. However, if the purpose of purchasing the gold is solely for adornment without the intention of saving, zakat is not obligatory according to the majority of jurists.

The Ruling on Zakat for Gold When in Debt or Without Money

Scholars have two opinions:


The first considers debt as a deterrent to the obligation of zakat, which is the view of the majority, despite their differences in the specifics of wealth exempt from zakat due to debt. They agreed that hidden wealth, such as money and trade goods, could be an exception according to the Prophet PBUH’s saying: “The best charity is that which is given out of surplus wealth, and begin with those you are responsible for,” narrated by Bukhari from Abu Huraira, may Allah be pleased with him.


The second opinion sees debt as not preventing the obligation of zakat at all, which is the new view of the Shafi’i school, chosen by scholars Ibn Baz and Ibn Uthaymeen. Their evidence is Allah’s saying: “Take, [O, Muhammad], from their wealth a charity by which you purify them and cause them increase.”

The Ruling on Zakat for Inherited Gold

If each heir’s share reaches the nisab, whether through their means or by receiving a quantity of gold from another source, each must pay its zakat. Zakat in this case is annual; the value of the gold jewelry is estimated each lunar year, and the gold owner calculates its value if intending to sell, then discharges one-quarter of a tenth, equivalent to 2.5% of it.

Is There Zakat on a Wife’s Gold?

If a woman’s gold reaches the nisab, she is obligated to pay zakat on it. However, if her husband wishes to pay zakat on her behalf, there is no objection.

Who Pays Zakat on the Wife’s Gold? The Husband or the Wife?

The owner of the gold is responsible for paying its zakat. If the gold belongs to the wife, she is obliged to pay its zakat if it reaches the prescribed amount and a full lunar year has passed since her ownership. However, the husband can also pay the zakat on his wife’s gold if he wishes.

Is it Permissible to Give Zakat on Gold to the Husband?

 According to the correct opinions among scholars, there is no harm in giving zakat to the husband if he is in need.

Is Zakat Due on Gold Gifts?

Certainly, if they reach the nisab and a lunar year has passed, as they become part of your possessions after accepting the gift.

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